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Studiu de piata: 6% dintre magazinele online din Romania sunt integrate cu sistemul de gestiune ERP propriu

Sase la suta din magazinele online ce functioneaza in Romania sunt integrate cu sistemul de gestiune a afacerii de tip ERP folosit in firmele ce opereaza acele magazine. Acesta este rezultatul principal al unui studiu efectuat de compania IT Pluriva ...

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Western European Ecommerce Expected to reach 173 billion in 2013

Western European B2C e-commerce is developing extremely well. This is apparent from the new Western Europe B2C E-commerce Report, published by Ecommerce Europe, the European umbrella organisation for online retailers. The total Western European e-commerce economy of online sold goods ...

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Northern European e-commerce expected to reach 31 billion in 2013, 7.1% growth

Northern European B2C e-commerce is developing extremely well. This is apparent from the new Northern Europe B2C E-commerce Report, published by Ecommerce Europe, the European umbrella organisation for online retailers. The total Northern European e-commerce economy of online sold goods ...

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